Jörgen Lindström's Foundation
Applications are invited for grants from Jörgen Lindström’s foundation for graduate students at the Department of Biology with genetically oriented PhD projects.
Eligible are students who are registered at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science at Lund University, and whose PhD project is genetically oriented. This includes projects that are focused on the inheritance mechanism itself, as well as studies of the genetic material’s structure, function, and evolution. Also included are projects utilizing the genetic variation – natural or induced – to achieve knowledge about mutation processes, evolutionary processes, and phenotypic variation, or for direct practical applications of specific genotypes.
Granted amounts are no more than 30 000 SEK. Only one application per person and application event is allowed. You may apply twice a year in April and October. The use of funds must be reported in connection with the next application (see registration form), or alternatively at the latest one year after receipt to Marita Cohn (Marita [dot] Cohn [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se). Unused funding goes back to the foundation, or you can apply in a new application round for their use towards prolongation or another project. Funds from the foundation can however maximally be used for 6 months after the dissertation.
You must apply for any redisposition of funding to other purposes than the granted project. This can be done in a new application round (see above) or by e-mail to Torbjörn Säll, if this is not possible, for example, because of time constraints. You can apply for a prolongation of funding because of special circumstances (like leave of absence) by e-mail to Marita Cohn.
Funds are not given as general support to a person or research group. The application should concern a well-defined project and have a clear specification of the different items applied for. The cost of the respective items should be clarified.
Funds are granted for equipment, research expenses, computers and software, conferences, research trips, PhD courses and publication fees. Funds are not granted for salaries, stipends or hire of workforce. Such an application will be rejected in its entirety. Grants do not apply retroactively.
There are two application periods each year – 23 March to 20 April and 22 September to 20 October.
Marita Cohn
Senior lecturer
Molecular biosciences
Telephone:+46 46 222 72 56
E-mail: Marita [dot] Cohn [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se
Torbjörn Säll
Molecular biosciences
Telephone:+46 46 222 78 58
E-mail: Torbjorn [dot] Sall [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se
When preparing a manuscript for publication, clearly specify in the Acknowledgements that the study was supported by a grant from the Jörgen Lindström’s Foundation (Jörgen Lindströms stipendiefond). Please send a pdf of the accepted publication to Torbjorn [dot] Sall [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se.