LUCAT – our online staff directory
LUCAT is the Lund University online staff directory and contains information about you, like title, telephone number, and placement. The information in LUCAT is used in all areas and by several systems. It is therefore important that the information in LUCAT is accurate and current.
Update to be findable
Within the department, we use the information for IT support, display online contact information, and keep track of telephone numbers among other things. All room numbers must have a letter indicating the building before the actual room number, for instance, the letter B before all room numbers in the Biology building (like room B-B337), and the letter E before all rooms in the Ecology building (like E-E236). The numbers are indicated outside each room without the building letter. If you change rooms or your telephone number – remember to update the information in LUCAT.
Update your personal information by logging in using your LUCAT identity (in Swedish).
How to get in there
All employees will get a LUCAT account automatically. For non-employees, like guests, scholarship holders, or other invited people the form "Ansökan registering i LUCAT (on our Swedish internal website) must be filled in by the person who is the host. Please, fill in the form at least one week before the account should be active. The form will be sent to the head of the division you have chosen and to the division's human resources administrator. The human resources administrator registers the person in LUCAT. If the head of the division has any objections to the LUCAT registration, they will contact the human resources administrator as soon as possible.
Change password
You can change your LUCAT password in the password portal. The password must be a minimum of 8 characters and must combine characters from 3 out of 4 groups (lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers and/or special characters).
Note that when you change your password it will also change your login to other systems in which you use your LUCAT identity (the administrative portal, email, webmail, wireless networks, etcetera).
HR administrators
Sara Bengtsson
HR Administrator
Telephone: +46 46 222 93 50
E-mail: Sara [dot] Bengtsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara[dot]Bengtsson[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Izabella Kehlmeier (parental leave)
HR Administrator
Ewa Kralik
HR Administrator
Department of Biology
Telephone: +46 46 222 79 21
E-mail: Ewa [dot] Kralik [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se
LUCAT at Staff Pages
There is more information about LUCAT on Lund University's central Staff Pages. Here you will also find information about short-term visitors in Lucat.