There are many different facilities and services at the department – perhaps also some that you are unaware of. Look through the infrastructure pages and contact the person responsible if you would like to use a field station, lab or equipment, or need assistance in any other way.
In the 3D Lab, we deal with different technologies for quantifying, analysing and visualising 3D complex phenotypes of both extant and extinct (fossils) organisms. Our focus is on applications in the field of ecology, evolution and palaeontology. However, our technology can be used in a broader range of applications such as medicine, anthropology, archaeology, geology, cultural heritage, engineering and design.
Contact person and more about the 3D Laboratory in Lund University's research portal.
We offer services for DNA and cDNA (RNA-Seq) sequencing. Our unit has instruments and resources for traditional Sanger Sequencing (ABI 3500) but also for the so-called Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) based on the Illumina MiSeq platform. We also offer expertise, consultation, and discussion around the design of experiments, the construction of sequencing libraries as well as support in data processing and bioinformatic strategies.
Contact person and more about the DNA Sequencing Facility in Lund University's research portal.
We monitor the development of new technologies and devices for the commercial market and identify components that might be interesting for research in biology. We have facilities to develop prototypes and to modify or develop equipment suitable for different research projects. The main areas of activity are sensor systems, radio tracking, radar technology, GPS, signal processing, energy harvesting and optical tracking methods.
Contact person and more about the Electronic lab in Lund University's research portal.
Stensoffa field station is situated 17 km east of Lund in the military training area Revingehed. The station is used as a base station for biological fieldwork in the nearby surroundings and for smaller indoor laboratory work or outdoor experiments at the station itself. The station is primarily used by researchers from the Department of Biology, but also by visiting researchers from other Swedish universities and from universities abroad. Outside of the field season (April to Sept), Stensoffa can be used for teaching, workshops, and meetings.
Contact person and more about the field station Stensoffa in Lund University's research portal.
The department had a couple of big greenhouses. The greenhouse has automatic watering and computer-controlled atmospheric humidity, temperature (10–23°C; regulated by hot water) and brightness (regulated by protective fabric). Fully 20% of the greenhouse area is a cold house that stands at temperatures below zero after the water pipes are emptied. Outside we have cultivation benches, supplementary spaces, a tool shed and a shelter with a roof.
Contact person and more about the greenhouses in Lund University's research portal.
Lund Protein Production Platform, LP3, is a cross-faculty facility for protein production, purification and crystallisation, primarily directed at academic research groups based at Lund University. The staff cover the whole process chain from protein production to solving and refining protein structures.
The Lund Wind Tunnel is a low-speed low-turbulence wind tunnel specifically designed for studying bird flight, although we also study bat flight and insect flight. Some of the special features of the wind tunnel are that there is an opening between the test section and the bellmouth, so we can have quick and easy access to the flying animal.
Contact person and more about the Lund Wind Tunnel in Lund University's research portal.
The Department of Biology has three electron microscopes and one confocal microscopy at our microscope facility. The primary use of confocal microscopy is optical sectioning of different types of specimens, with the capacity of simultaneous detection of multiple fluorescent markers. You can also use confocal microscopy to visualise surfaces. With electron microscopy, you look either at sections or surfaces in high resolution.
The National Research Infrastructure Sweden is providing bioinformatics support to life science researchers in Sweden.
We have a workshop with a service technician who can help you design and build customised equipment.
More about our workshop can be found on our external website.
Room booking
Johanna Bjarney Jonsdottir
Programme Administrator
Education Office
Telephone: +46 46 222 73 15
E-mail: Johanna_Bjarney.Jonsdottir
Malfunctions related to buildings
Biology building
During office hours, staff located in the Biology building should report errors to Nils Sundqvist +46 46 222 77 84 or Henrik Wendel +46 46 222 38 03
Ecology building
During office hours, staff in the Ecology building should report errors to Cecilia Ringstrand +46 46 222 93 17 or Henrik Wendel +46 46 222 38 03.
Greenhouse G
During office hours, contact Chatarina Mattson +46 46 222 77 87 or Henrik Wendel +46 46 222 38 03
Non-office hours
For emergencies during non-office hours, call the Akademiska hus helpline at +46 46 31 13 10.
Booking of projectors
Jan Johansson
IT technician
Department of Biology
Telephone: +46 46 222 38 09
Email: Jan [dot] Johansson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se
Booking of buses
Juana Bernal
Programme administrator
Education Office
Telephone: +46 46 222 73 18
Email: Juana [dot] Bernal [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se
Department bicycle
You may borrow the department’s bicycle during the day. It is parked in the bicycle rack under the pedestrian bridge at the left entrance of the Ecology building. Reserve the bicycle by contacting Cecilia Ringstrand (+46 46 222 93 17) or Henrik Wendel (+46 46 222 38 03).