Contact Us
If you have seen a colour-ringed bird and would like to report your sighting – please do so by using the form below. We can tell you if we are able to identify your bird with the information you provide and as the project goes on, we can update you with our latest research findings! All reports will be greatly appreciated and will help us with our scientific research.
Please include:
- Date of the sighting
- Location of sighting
- Colour combination on the left leg (read from top to bottom)
- Colour of the ring on the right leg (blue, yellow or red)
- Whether the bird was male or female
- Photo (if possible)
Report a sighting
Please, report only one sighting per submitted form.

Example photo
Example photo of a male bird with all rings visible: yellow LU-ring and a colour ring combination of green, red, black. Note how difficult it can be to spot the black colour rings! (Image provided by Magnus Ekenstierna.)