PhD studies
Once you have completed your Master’s degree, you can go on to third-cycle studies and specialise in an area you are interested in.
PhD studies normally comprise four years of full-time study, corresponding to 240 credits. You spend approximately one year on courses and seminars, and three years on your research project. You compile your research findings in a doctoral thesis, which usually consists of a summary and synthesis together with articles that you have published in international scientific journals. You present and argue for your thesis in a public defence. If your thesis is approved and you have completed all the course components, you can receive your PhD degree.
The learning outcomes for research studies
PhD studies are to educate and train scholars capable of conducting research of high quality and working with other qualified assignments within higher education, industry and society, where the experience of research is essential.
PhD studies aim to provide the following:
- Specialised subject knowledge
- The ability to think creatively and critically
- Training in planning, implementation and evaluation of research tasks/projects
- Practice presenting research findings, both orally and in writing, to various target groups
Biological research
Our research covers the entire field of biology, from molecular, cell and organismal biology to ecology, evolutionary biology, conservation biology and environmental sciences protection.
The Department of Biology has a long and distinguished research tradition. It can be traced back to Professor of Philosophia naturalis et physica experimentalis (natural history and physics), Kilian Stobaeus (1690-1742) (in Wikipedia). Now, as then, the Department of Biology is conducting modern research at the cutting edge of the research field. If you are curious about our research, you can find brief descriptions of our research specialisations on our research page.
Entry requirements
In order to be admitted to research studies at the Department of Biology, you must meet both the general and the specific entry requirements. The general entry requirements state that you must have completed a degree programme in higher education corresponding to at least 240 credits, or have equivalent knowledge. The specific entry requirements normally mean that you must have studied second-cycle courses that are relevant to the planned research specialisation and completed a degree project in the subject.
The general syllabus for biology specifies all the entry requirements (Faculty of Science's website). The determining factor for selection for research studies is the expected ability to benefit from the degree programme.
Application and admission
Check for vacant doctoral studentships on our web page for job opportunities. There are no fixed application periods for doctoral studentships; vacancies are announced when finances and other conditions allow. If you are interested in starting research studies, contact a potential supervisor in your subject of interest. This will provide you with current information on research projects and study finance. Applications for admission to research studies at the Department of Biology are made via Lund University’s electronic recruitment portal and are always linked to an advertised vacancy for a doctoral studentship.
Study finance
If you are admitted to research studies, you will also be employed as a doctoral student with a salary. The doctoral studentship salary is increased according to centrally determined increments, based on how long you have been employed.
A more general description of research studies on the website of the Faculty of Science

Klas Flärdh
Director of studies
Telephone: +46 46 222 85 84
E-mail: Klas [dot] Flard [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se
Dennis Hasselquist
Director of studies
Telephone: +46 46 222 37 08
Email: Dennis [dot] Hasselquist [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se